Master of the Tattooverse
Developer Log 01

Master of the Tattooverse, the upcoming VR story driven tattoo game currently has accessible DEMO on App Lab and SideQuest. MOTT is already ready to play but we are adding more features and characters to the game. In Demo, you can already tattoo a client. We are working on adding more characters and environments, fixing bugs also adding systems like save&share.

You can be informed about what we are working on via monthly logs so that you can follow our progress until the public of the full version.

Here is our September Log


  • Fixed a bug that caused timing issues on Becky's voice.
  • Fixed a bug that caused tattoos to deteriorate on Becky's knuckles.
  • Fixed a bug causing deterioration in Becky's animation.
  • Fixed a bug that caused tutorial cards to break in some cases.
  • Fixed a bug caused by some buttons when the player spams the interaction.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented particles from playing in some situations.
  • Fixed the "permanent irritation red" bug that caused some redness to remain after a certain amount of time.


  • Secret ink found is now added to Bucketboi.
  • Unwanted movement while choosing templates on the overlay tool has been prevented.
  • Unwanted movement while rotating has been prevented.
  • Smooth turns are improved and stabilized.
  • Teleport area indicators are improved.
  • Tutorial cards now rotate depending on the player's sight.
  • Overlay tools are improved.


  1. Ability to use both controllers for the locomotion has been added.
  2. Tutorial option has been added to the in-game menu.
  3. The ability to choose the rotation of the tattoo gun while holding it.
  4. Added the option to return to the default settings.
  5. A castle scene for Klaudia has been added.
  6. Reset session button added.
  7. A brand new tattoo gun was added.
  8. Last created tattoo can now be saved.
  9. A readability option has been added.


We are working on a new client. He is gonna have a different character as always. At the same time, we are onto a few performances improvements. Apart from these priorities, we continue to work on research and development for the save&share system.

Stay in touch and join our Master of the Tattooverse Official Discord Server for our other announcements.